Water Well Casings Repair: What You Need to Know
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Throughout the Waterloo area and beyond, many residents rely on their home’s well as an essential water source. When water stops flowing through the pipes or you have other water-related issues, troubleshooting your well problem is an initial course of action that may resolve the problem. However, in some cases, professional water well repair services may be needed promptly.
Troubleshooting Your Well Problem
Have you noticed that your well pump runs constantly or that the flow of water from the well has changed suddenly? Often, such issues happen at the most inopportune times. The last thing that you want to do is to pay for emergency plumbing repair services if they are not actually needed. In many cases, a water well problem that seems to be serious can be resolved in a few simple steps. What should you do before you call for water well repair at your Waterloo-area home?
Check the Well Switch
The well switch controls the pump’s operation, so it should receive your attention first when you are troubleshooting well pump issues. Even though it may be located in an out-of-the-way area near the pressure tank, it may have been unintentionally flipped. Before you call a professional, take a closer look at the well switch to ensure that it is in the “on” position.
Look at the Circuit Breaker
Another common cause of a well problem is a tripped circuit breaker. Check the circuit breaker that controls the well pump. Simply flipping the switch or replacing the fuse may fix the problem. However, if the problem persists, professional repair work is needed.
Check the Pressure Switch
The pressure switch for your well senses water pressure and turns the pump on when water pressure is low. You can easily determine if the switch is bad by jarring the electrical contacts on the switch. An easy way to do this is to bang the screw driver against the unit. If the pump starts when you do this, the switch may need to be replaced by a professional.
When to Schedule Well Casing Repair Service
While these steps may resolve some situations, other water well repair issues are related to the casing. The well’s casing is the pipe that lines the borehole of the well. Cracks and leaks can develop anywhere along the casing, and they can result in a variety of symptoms. If you notice any signs of a damaged well casing, you should schedule professional repair service as soon as possible.
Low Water Pressure
Low water pressure or no water from well could indicate a leak in the casing. Generally, this will be experienced as persistently low water pressure rather than intermittently low water pressure. In some cases, the pipe may need to be relined. Otherwise, a new casing may be required.
Contaminated Water
When a well’s casing has a leak, the water may become contaminated with bacteria or other elements. Generally, the contaminants come from either surface-level water or groundwater. You may notice signs of contamination, such as a range of health symptoms experienced by everyone in the home, discolored water, foul-smelling water or other issues.
Dirty Water
In some cases, a cracked or leaking casing may allow dirt and other debris to penetrate into the pipe. When this happens, sediment may be visible in the home’s tap water. This sediment may include everything from sand to dirt and more. In some cases, the debris may be so fine that sediment is not visible. However, the water may be slightly discolored.
Schedule Service in Waterloo IN Today
Kaufman Well Drilling is your source for all types of well and plumbing services in the Waterloo area. Our team is available to visit your home soon to diagnose the root cause of your issue. To schedule an appointment with one of our skilled team members, contact Kaufman Well Drilling today.